House In the Sky

In her poem Spring Edna St, Vincent Millay acknowledges the beauty of April— the spikes of the crocus, the smell of the earth. Ultimately the poet concludes it is not enough that yearly, down this hill, April comes like an idiot, babbling and strewing flowers. One only has to watch the news to agree that Edna was right. It is not enough. And it is increasingly hard to  remain optimistic when surrounded by so much cruelty and loss. The poem below was inspired by  the poems of Kyle Liang and Darius Phelps.

Brothers and sisters
do not worry.
I will burn this house
to the sky
for you and me,
and all our descendants. 

I will gather
the whips
and chains,
the iron collars
and shackles,
and fashion
a fence
for hatred,
a cage
for cruelty.

I will toss in the guns
and weapons
of war
that bloody
our land.

I will water the earth
with our tears
so all
that is green and good
will grow.

Then I will burn
amber incense,
pine and white sage,
cedar and clove
to fill our house
in the sky
with healing love.


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