The Wisdom of Fred Rogers

 I know some younger readers  come here to gather tidbits to complete reports.  While you may find background information on some of my works, my personal thoughts are usually buried in the stories I tell and seen through the lens of my protagonists. Sometimes, however, we need a more direct approach.

History teaches us that times are always messy. There are always wars, poverty, racism and endless opportunities for each of us to help heal the world. But this pre-election season feels exceptionally wrought with worry. Childhood, usually an insulated time of oblivion, has been shortened by social media and the proliferation of mis+dis information. To remain unaware of the world's bubbling anxiety is a luxury enjoyed by very few of us.

For that reason, I've decided to include here a post on finding trust when the world is so full of anger and confusion. You and I may have outgrown Mr. Rogers, but I've found his look for the helpers lesson offers timeless guidance in moments such as these. 

How to understand trust when the world is on fire,

when someone we loved is a common liar or

when believing in truth and following rules

leaves us broken-hearted fools,

when one that tells lies is never  caught,

and the one we believed in is not who we thought—

how to understand trust in a world so bleak?

Let me tell you a secret, let me give you a peek

into the peace that you earnestly seek:

keep your eyes open; see what’s to be seen

stay away from the rude, the sneaky and mean.

See who’s helping, who’s kind and just, 

then, gentle reader, you’ll find someone to trust!

Thanks Mr. Rogers for the timeless lessons you've shared!


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