An Enchanted Bridge/DogEared Books
A group of students from St. Gerard's school in Lansing Michigan, under the guidance of writer, teacher and poet, Jennifer Jowett, has created an enchanted bridge that connects an author and her readers.
Writing is a solitary endeavor and I am always happy to hear from people who’ve read my books. When I was notified that my most recent verse novel, Force of Nature, had been nominated for The DogEared Award, I was thrilled.What makes this award so special is that it is a student driven award. Students helps with the nominations, read as many books as they can and will eventually vote on THE BEST COVER; THE BEST FIRST CHAPTER; THE BEST READ ALOUD and THE BEST BOOK OVERALL.
While the 2024 DogEared Award has not yet been selected, I am not exaggerating when I say it’s an honor to be nominated. Ralph Waldo Emerson said life is a journey, not a destination. My solitary literary journey has been cheered on by an amazing group of students in Lansing Michigan. Their cards, banners and kind words sprinkled joy in my mailbox and the mailboxes of ten other lucky authors. (A special shout out to Sam & Miguel who made my beautiful banner!)
These are troubled times, but to work with kids is to recommit to hope every morning. I tell my grandson that one of my favorite sounds is the sound of his laughter. When I was a teacher, it made me happy to see and hear kids involved in their special projects— of course I sometimes needed to dim the lights and remind them to use inside voices— but in all honesty, is there any adult among us who doesn’t remember the freedom and enthusiasm of their youth? Of kids working together on a common cause with their classrooms cracked open wide enough to allow them the extraordinary opportunity to step out of school lines? To move the desks. To visualize and create. To touch the world beyond?
Working with kids is a gentle reminder that life is ever renewing. Even when worries overwhelm us, if we adults listen closely, we’ll hear the echo of our own joy in the openness and enthusiasm of young people. Authors may toss out the books, but the enchanted bridge is built by readers who read them and reach out with kindness.
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