Abandoned Paths

Decided to write another blog post for October ~ mostly because most everything else I wrote today landed in my virtual wastebasket. Some days are like that. I’ve spent hours agonizing on a description only to discover that it doesn’t really matter what kind of plant is growing on the hillside or what kind of caterpillar wears a coat of brown and black.  My character is on a different path; there are no plants on the hillside. No caterpillars either. 

I’m finding out that life is the same way. We think we’re on a certain path, walking towards a certain goal, surrounded by familiar guideposts. But then, something unexpected trips us up and for a moment, we find ourselves lost. Maybe the map we’re holding is outdated or maybe someone we counted on has let us down. Now where? Now what?

If I take a break and take a breath, I’m confident that my character will find his way. More importantly, even the abandoned path has enriched him. His wanderings and false starts make him more real and deepen my understanding of who he is. Where he is not going helps me to understand where he is going.  

Perhaps our own abandoned paths and outdated maps serve the same purpose. I like to think so. 


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